
Showing posts from February, 2008

Death Of William Buckley

Conservative icon William Buckley died at 82 while working on a new book in Stamford CN. Buckley who is the host for Firing Line and was the founder for the conservative benchmark National Review is regarding and reviled as the father of modern conservatism.  In spite of a prodigious output, Buckley's voice on the conditions in the United States since 1987 are missing. He has been silenced by irrational militants of the LGBT who have also damaged even the new leadership of liberalism as Barack Obama. The rudderless ship continues on a bureaucratic pilot as individuals as Rudi Giuliani and John McCain attempt to redefine Republicanism in contemporary dress. With the Christian Right still present but not as effective, it will remains to be seen if any print writer will emerge to lead in the wake of talk radio which is more popular and current event based for the right wing. POSTED BY KRONIN AT 3:54 PM 0 COMMENTS

What is Justice?

Many of us have a basic background in philosophy or some manner of a moral or faith system. Western political philosophy is formed by two texts in degree; The Bible and Plato's Republic. Here we can can see the question raised What is Justice in the Individual and What is Justice in the State? Thrasymachus is a paid sophist. We can extend with accuracy the current philosophy of humanrights abuse from his answers.   David Nollmeyer   Plato's The Republic  Thrasymachus says, "I declare justice is nothing but the advantage of the stronger" Republic 338c [W.H.D. Rouse translation, Great Dialogues of Plato, Mentor Books, 1956, p.137. The following two citations are Rouse's translation also]. Robbery and violence are normally called "injustice," but when they are practiced wholesale by rulers, they are justice, i.e. the interest of the stronger, the rulers. Thus, when we consider ordinary citizens, "the just man comes off worse than an unjust man everywhe...