Cultures of Failure in Human Rights Abuse


Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Cultures of Failure in Human Rights Abuse

An interesting component in the continuing radiation of systems of human rights abuse is the use of identity. A unique facet of this phenomena includes two locations which refer to themselves as the Emerald Coast. One is the Florida Panhandle and the other is the area of Northern California from Mendocino, Humboldt, and Del Norte, California.

Both areas have extensive histories of as smuggler's coast. The Florida area is rich in actual history and folklore and continues with drug smuggling and possibly alien smuggling. This are is just recovering from Hurricane Dennis. This area is also known as LA or Lower Alabama. It is traditionally Democrat but is conservative and has voted Republican in recent elections.

The Redwoods Coast is a progressive area with Del Norte voting Republican recently. This is the Golden Triangle of Sinsemilla growing. Actually Tennessee is actually larger now for domestic production.

I have lived in Montgomery, Alabama all the way to Chipley, Florida. Alabama has a decent human rights record. Chipley, Florida does not. All the counties in Northern California are equally poor. One would not know such by talking to what are knowns as locals.

I personally know the design used to entrap citizens between the head of the civil state and the citizen. In particularity this would be LAPD attacking me and then myself attempting to prosecute to the origin.

LAPD uses code names which are illegal for police to use. The Delaware State Police are foils and willing accomplices. The Baltimore Police are de facto as well. The Baltimore Studio are used to mutilate evidence as the gay baiting that has occurred. I have legally argued that LAPD, and the Baltimore Studio are gay bisexual.

A member of the the Baltimore Studio named Jim is usually isolated to be my mentor which is a joke at best. I am a formally trained musician with an AA in Fine Arts which means music in this instance. Appealing to a local teen aged audience with no knowledge of music or my background is ad ignorantum.
If one wished to put their academic, legal, or other professional credentials on the table and do some real research instead of "putting one's hand on their ear, using the phone, being at the restaurant, or the bar", which are other place and non-place territories in Systems Theory one would easily be able to eliminate much hearsay.

Totalitarianism attempts to isolate the individual or group ex-communicado from the whole. I have complained from the year 2000 of the increase in attempting to make this a gay versus straight confrontation. Human rights violations are formally based on primary laws of citizenship enforced by competent authorities of the secondary law.

Any identity based abuse lead by the Fly or Flies based on The Lord of the Flies is criminal. Impunity based on philosophical phrases as relativism and assumption and anything you do show serious signs of cognitive defect and lack of dedication to any field of study.

I do not see any person with a T-84 calculator and being no more than an accomplice to the police will have a viable and sustainable force in legitimacy. Two macro-examples are Srebrenica and Nuevo Laredo. Officials high and low make presentations to the public regarding the prosecution and leadership of war criminals. As in the Tenth Anniversary of Srebrenica an apology for doing nothing is at hand.

In Nuevo Laredo the police are too busy dealing drugs to maintain law and order. The police chief has been replaced as the last two have been assassinated. The last one lasted less than one day.

In essence Northern California will reflect the civil rights abusers seen in the black and white film clips on the History Channel. I was told of this well in advance. this being in 1987. People are not autonomous. They take deals from corrupt police and military figures. This exists at the international and domestic levels. Identities that are ethnic (religious), national, or localist must be broken to expose what could become institutionalized and then systematic abuse.

I have a GPA of 3.18 with 145.5 credits. I have a 3.83 over my last 63 credits and am senior in upper division work. I should be contacting schools to apply for graduate school next year not taking instruction and deals from the Flies as academic excellence.


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