In re: Barack Obama and John McCain
Now that the primary season has produced the presumptive candidates of the two major parties; one has to deliberate over the folly of the ritualism of these persons and the culture. The emperor has no clothes… The barbaric conditions that have persisted over the last 21 years has no agenda with either figure. The economy is being wrecked along with a despoiled environment. Monetarism has debased the American dollar to the point where it has been displaced by the Euro. America has flourished when it genuinely was a true leader. In contrast a true electoral fraud is ongoing today in Zimbabwe courtesy of the despot Robert Mugabe who has no shame in laying bare an ole school power play to retain power. The American culture and human species has a great lesson to learn in the exploitative marginalization tactics that are being used to oppress and alienate one and the collective from spiritual and civil justice. The American presidency is probably within a decade or two from being...