History in Retrospect

A review of the last twenty-one years since the 200th Anniversary of the United States which would be June 17, 1987 reveals Homeland Security as the most important issue. Within this I would place human rights which is not exclusive to a just and righteous government and state. Herein it is easy to discern that the last four presidents are in fact irrationalist:

  • Ronald Reagan 
  • George H.W. Bush 
  • William Clinton 
  • George W. Bush 

These four individuals are part of what is a clear Perfect Dictator. This system regardless of whether the Democrats or the Republicans win is tyrannical in not recognizing a de facto totalitarian police state run out of LAPD CA. Electronic surveillance is rampant, chemical assault attacks humans and natural species alike. Environmentalists and corporate business concerns are equal frauds and charlatans. 

Al Gore is a HOAX as a environmentalists. He as his presidential predecessors lacks the courage to step forward and do the right thing. 

The United States is on the verge of witnessing Barack Obama being the first African American to win the presidential nomination of a major political party. His mantra of change rings hollow. By being a ritualistic player of the game he claims to be changing, he too, becomes a player. 

California has witnessed Hollywood Arnold Schwarzenegger emerge as an outsider as governor only to be another insider. 

Hillary Clinton is no more than a Raul Castro, or continuity to protect a purge than a genuine figure on universal healthcare. 

John McCain the presumptive Republican candidate has lost hi wartime courage. I believe he has a small advantage over Barack Obama but he is also an insider an not a maverick on the side of Justice, Liberty, and Freedom. 

The Homeland and Civilization remain unprotected. 



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