Change: Let History Decide

Barack Obama has finished the Democratic Convention with a historic speech in front of 84,000 persons. Historically I will argue that this is a prime example of the culture creating it’s own elimination. Barack Obama has not even recognized the grievous totalitarian abuses of which he is a continuation of. The hardball response of Russia in Georgia is in focus now as Putin has alleged that he believes actors in the United States orchestrated the event to promote a candidate. 

John McCain has benefited from this event. This morning he nominated Sarah Palin a 44 year old unknown Governor of Alaska as vice president. This morning’s headlines are now dominated by this act of change. 

To return Barack Obama’s fiction obstructs justice and is unethical in itself. Neither team of candidates are capable of negotiating nuclear or chemical weapons. 

This country is under serious attack. I have blogged and posted a severe criticism of Joseph Biden on Sean Hannity’s Forum and Newzap which runs newspapers conveniently in Arizona. The American Presidency is irrationalist. It is no more than a Vichy as the Nazi’s installed in France in WWII. 

The American has sold it soul. The price will be born out in the external environment. The sad, but concrete reality is the Barack Obama has the Audacity of Hope to pull this stunt on the anniversary of Martin Luther King’s I Have a Dream Speech. 



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