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The vice presidential candidate of Joe Biden of Delaware adds greater emphasis to the leadership vacuum. Delaware and Arizona are among the four most hardest hit states during the chemical assault which began in Delaware on June 17, 1987. 

I have a modest amount of correspondence with both McCain and Biden on the undeclared attack on this country. I stuffed envelopes for Biden in his 1972 campaign. He is an alumnus of Rodney Village, a working class neighborhood of average persons and military personnel. 

I was born August 3, 1961 in Roswell, NM. The amount of tragedy from this neighborhood is immense. Person's who lived in this neighborhood die at an astonishing rate. Biden lived on Nathaniel Mitchell Drive. I lived ABOUT FIVE HOUSE AWAY. His wife and infant were killed just after his election. Charles Hagadorn who lived a few houses away was killed in the third degree. Preston Gravatt, Mark Hoster, Pam Tiedgen, Michael Mimmelo, and Kim Inverso have committed suicide. The first three lived only houses away from Biden. Thomas Schiller, Ann Polanski, and Carl Baltrusch have been killed in auto accidents. Preston Gravatt was the driver of a vehicle in which Mrs. Gladden of Rodney Village died.

If one were to go to the adjacent neighborhood Mayfair, Phil Moore has died in a motorcycle accident. Recently a Blake Cahall, Blake Cahall whose father taught me drive as a DE teacher, had a daughter who was involved in an accident with six fatalities. Gary Kueskeski's father was a federal agent who drowned in the Delaware Bay while attempting to inspect a cargo vessel. Ann Wiezoreck was married to Calvin Eicko. He died in an accident. She married Mark Hoster who committed suicide. To return to Rodney Village, David Laurea was convicted of the murder by arson death of his wife, child, and friends death in a house perhaps four away. He was put to death by lethal injection. 

I have sued the Delaware State Police in a habeas corpus action stating that then Officer Shaner was an accomplice in permitting three persons to target shoot. One of the individuals was killed by the shotgun in question. The shotgun was brandished against me at an earlier date. Shaner was present the day I stuffed envelopes. Thomas Schiller brought me to the Biden Campaign. I am not sure if I met Joe Biden's wife that evening. 

There are a few more fatalities. I apologize for my any incorrect spelling of names. I was known by all the parties mentioned. One lesson to be learned is DO NOT DRINK ALCOHOL. Beau Biden, is now Attorney General of Delaware. Barack Obama, Joseph Biden, and Beau Biden should resign from office. None are prepared to lead.


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