SLO Grand Jury: Unrecognized Abuse


I have prepared a San Luis Obispo County Grand Jury Complaint against Cuesta College and the prostitute that harassed me at one time. I am in INYO COUNTY and the abuse is poor here. I am being Gay baited when I am straight.

I am definitely not part of the drug culture. If anyone would want to support a claim the Marijuana leads to abusive this event will support you. In a biological format one needs only food, clothing, and shelter to survive.

Here in INYO COUNTY there is alow crime and a large sinesemeilla and speed culture. Crime is rising fast. Nevada is very poor. Mammoth is attempting to go world class as a resort. This puts extreme pressure on its issues as housing which create confrontation.

I have contacted Lamba and Amnesty International who have a very large GHBT advocacy. Neither organization has done anything. There is a movement now under multicultural diversity to teach Gay History. Woman are also heavily abusive. Right now here in INYO COUNTY I can talk to persons who are of this orientation that are severe human rights abusers. They have no moral conscience.

I argue from a human species perspective and not from "the group". In reduction homo sapiens is quite capable of facilitating both good and evil. I am not using ethnic nationalism, localisms, class stratification, as pretext for abuse.

Cells of LAPD are running this operation and openly instructing persons to harass persons. INYO COUNTY has only 20,000 and is not the worse place but is abusive.

LAPD is GHBT as is the Baltimore Studio and these door slamming thugs are no more than criminals under censorship. I am based out of INYO County and California and attempting very intensely to get this into court.
I have emailed an extensive file to Homeland Security regarding all aspects of this censored corruption.


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